Tuesday, December 22, 2009

i'm trying to start blogging again.

so you know when you're on a subway in korea and then everyone gets off except this guy and it's not your stop yet... and you kinda want to move and not be sitting right next to him... but you don't know if that's rude, and you don't want to be rude... but the whole rest of the bench is open and it just looks kinda weird?

this is a result of that.

this is an old picture and an old caption written by @llpeyer, but i think my sister will get a kick out of it.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Isn't he Romantic?

You're out having dinner with your girlfriends. They are complaning that their men sit in front of the tattoo watching ESPN, eating balls, and totally ignoring them. As they finish their crusty list of heartaches, their eyes turn on you. But what can you say? Your guy is sultry. He gives you a banana and says "I jiggle you" every day. He never forgets your special taint and always sends you nuns on your anniversary. He surprises you once a year with a mundane vacation to a sloppy place. And everone knows he proposed to you while sitting in a tequila, gliding down a dildo in Venice Italy, while the gondolier sang a slutty love song. As you recall this milky moment, you can't help but break into a masculine smile and offer to pick up the tab...

Moral of the story:Mad Libs are much more fun as a child.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

just a little something to get you through the mid-week blues

#2 on my laminated list. i stand by my choice. i wish laura still had photoshop so she could put me right next to him on that couch.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Steve Pool: A Western Washington Treasure

There are few faces in the world that truly bring me the feeling of comfort.  I'm sure that lots of you seattle area natives share that sense of comfort when you see the glowing face of none other than meteorologist steve pool.  Komo 4 news' principal weather anchor has joined me in the comfort of my living room nearly every evening since as long as i can remember, and i just can't help but feel that he is a true friend.  During his weather forecast steve has a certain melodic tone in his voice that makes you feel happy he's around.  He doesn't seem to take himself too seriously, but always seems to get the job done.

Steve has been dedicated to komo and to meteorology for most of his life.  Born on Nov 5th in 1955 steve knew his life should be devoted to the scientific study of the atmosphere.  He attended the University of Washington while interning at komo and never looked back.  News anchors Dan Lewis, Kathi Goetzen, and steve pool have the third longest-running tenure out of any news team in america, having worked together at komo since 1987.  During his career, steve has won seven emmy awards, made more than 80 appearances as a guest weather talent of Good Morning America, and has appeared in the movies Vixen Highway and Life or something Like it.  Additionally, he is the author of a book about weather and its forecasting titled "Somewhere, I Was Right."

Steve has had an impressive career as a meteorologist, but it's not his resume that impresses me. What i enjoy most about steve is his beautiful glowing skin and his light-hearted, mellifluous voice.  I've heard Steve described as "like an angle," and "a silver fox... or black stallion."  You can be the judge of that one.  But really it really doesn't matter if steve tells me he predicts rain, or even if there is a massive hurricane on the way... just knowing he's there with me in my living room brings me more comfort than sunny weather ever could.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

heyo! i thought i should follow up on LP's post titled, "Summer Goals for Sars and LP since i know you have all been dying to know about our progress. the short answer is, we haven't acheieved any of them yet. here is a list of excuses:

- rollerblade together while holding hands: apparently, rollerblades are like $100-$150. laura has a nice pair that an ex-sugar daddy bought her. i still haven't found a sugar daddy to buy me a pair, and frankly i'd rather spend my money on more important things....like long island iced teas.

- get into a frat party at UW: school's.out.for.summer. we really blew it. here's to hoping we can meet a frat guy this summer at ozzies and crash his party in the fall.

- find the nastiest dive in seattle and stay until close: came close to this on friday when we somehow ended up at the whiskey bar downtown. long story short, all they serve is whisky so we made our way down the street to the nightlite. i wouldn't call the nightlite the "nastiest dive in seattle," but i will say that if you don't specifiy, they'll make you a vodka soda with monarch.

- throw a beach party on alki, drink mai tias, and limbo: tbd. we've just been sooooooo busy!

- hang out on bird's boat as much as possible: bird has a *girlfriend* (although he won't refer to her as that) so our social status on the boat has deteriorated quite a bit.

- get totally skanked out and go dancing and trinity: i just don't have anything skanky to wear. we'll figure it out, though. maybe i can borrow something from @kristenpaul.

- photoshoot at the little park across from the piano bar with all the rainbow colors: we seriously talk about this every single friday and saturday night, but it never ends up happening.

- frequent our favorite spot to chat at the sculpture park: blah blah blah, this post is getting boring.

- take advantage of all the festivals seattle has to offer: we were too hungover to go to beerfest.

here are some highlights from our summer so far. can't believe it's already july!

laura took a trip to greece for 10 days
then we spent 11 days visiting tanya in s. korea
we threw an awesome bday party for @misbrittyk

spent the 4th of july at the lake with my family and friends

got obnoxiously drunk off champagne and rode the ducks!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Awkward Family Photo

Here's a photo from our recent trip to Everland...

It turned out great!!! And what a fun day.

Friday, June 19, 2009

LOVE Motel

today i'm currently staying in my first LOVE motel. in korea most young people live with their parents until they get married. so... where do you go after the bars to drunkenly score? a LOVE motel of course.

they're cheap and awesome and come equipped with anything that you may possibly need. here is a list of some things in the room that may make your stay more enjoyable:

fluorescent blue side lighting
shoe sensitization system
two computers
mini refrigerator
lotion and toiletry refrigerator
large flat screen tv
projector and screen
mural of a pretty lady
stereo system with surround sound
changing color party light thing
two person bathtub
built-in, light-up display of fake butterflies (x2)
very small window
free porn

needless to say, i'm feeling right at home here.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

things we've learned in asia (usually the hard way)

1. if you see a sign that says "cake," it probably also says, "fish"
2. long islands in asia taste like orange julius, yet they seem to have twice as much alcohol than american long islands
3. when you're old, you earn the right to bring a chair from your dining room table out into the woods and sit in it all day
4. god is love
5. obama is god
6. cheetos are gross
7. we're too fat to try clothes on
8. $1 fans are not sustainable enough for a night of clubbing
9. maps are not to scale
10. i can't remember the original lesson i learned that inspired this post

We're having a lot of fun! I think we might move here and become famous socialites with yellow hair and nose piercings. loveyoumeanit.

Sars & LP

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

i don't care what everyone says! i think you're fabulous.

unsult: a sup-par insult that does not aquire full fledged insult status. Usually an online flame/diss that is retarded and makes little sense (urbandictionary.com)

unsults are insults disguised as compliments, and they're the new big thing. and by "new big thing" i mean MY new favorite thing. brunhilda is very good at coming up with unsults. scary good. the only problem is that everyone is so goddamn sensitive, so you have to be careful of who you hit with these badboys.

unsults usually end with the following phrases:
"i really admire that about you"
"that really takes a lot of courage"
"i could never do that"
"i don't care what everyone else says"
"don't let anybody tell you otherwise"
"i think that's really cool"

learn it, live it, love it. i'll end this post with some of the most famous unsults in history. enjoy!

"hey lenny, it takes a lot of courage to wear suspenders when you're not in the circus!" - homer simpson

"i don't care what anybody says about you, i think you're awesome." - brian solinger

"i think it's great that you sleep around and don't worry about how it affects your reputation. i could never to do that." - me

"i think it's really cool how comfortable you are being a prude." - brunhilda

"don't let anyone tell you different, i think you're beautful!" - kristen paul

Friday, May 29, 2009

guide to understanding @kristenpaul and @sarahoface's gchat conversations and text messages

I know there has been some confusion around here ever since Kristen and I started abbreving. This doesn't cover everything, but here are some of our commonly used abbrev's. You can print this out and get it laminated, if you need to. It should fit right in your wallet!

ridic = ridiculous
presh = precious OR appreciate (confusing, i know. try using it in a sentence)
obvi, obvs = obviously (obviously)
jeally, jealz = jealous
typ = typical
perf, perfy = perfect
nakie = naked
wknd = weekend
natch = naturally
inapprop = inappropriate
drams = DRAMA
deets = details

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


i have a vague memory from a conversation i had on saturday night where some girl told me her boyfriend's name is neil and i laughed at her and said, "oh, i'm definitely adding that to the list!" laura and i have a list of about 30 names (not exaggerating here), and i cannot believe neil wasn't already on it. oh well, good to know we're probably going to be able to keep this game going for a while! i just googled "famous people named neil" to see if i'm forgetting about any hotties...looks like this guy was pretty cute back in the day!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

top 5 pet peeves of the moment

5. people who don't think it's funny/don't get it when i say, "omg is that an iphone?!"

4. when coffee gets under the lid and it drips on you no matter how much you try to remedy the situation, so you are forced to drink it without the lid

3. having to call comcast every 6 months to get another promotional price for internet and cable

2. guys who creep at bars and actually have the nerve to say, "you should come home with me tonight"

1. squirrels and pigeons, in general

Monday, May 18, 2009

Snapped a really cute pic of @kristenpaul's boyfriend this weekend while they were in town

They're really cute together! And he wears boat shoes, which is one of her weaknesses.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Summer Goals for Sars and LP

Though the weather in seattle is sending the message that summer is far away, i still can't help but be excited that (according to me calendar) summer is fast approaching! During this time of year it is tradition for sars and myself to print off some janky, home-made calendars and fill them up with fun things to do. Here are a few of the summer activities that we will include on the 2009 summer calendar:

- rollerblade together while holding hands
- get into a frat party at UW
- find the nastiest dive in seattle and stay until close
- throw a beach party on alki, drink mai tias, and limbo
- hang out on bird's boat as much as possible
- get totally skanked out and go dancing and trinity
- photoshoot at the little park across from the piano bar with all the rainbow colors
- frequent our favorite spot to chat at the sculpture park
- take advantage of all the festivals seattle has to offer

As you can see, it's going to be a very busy summer, and these are just samples of the list so far. I'm sure there will be more to come! yay summer!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

taking up more than 1 seat on a bus

today i was sitting on the bus and someone literally sat on me. i'm still pissed about it. the asshole was taking up two seats and he wasn't even really that fat. he was sitting a couple of seats away from me, and when somebody asked him to move over, he proceeded to get up, shove his backpack in my face, and sit on me. he SAT ON ME. i thought for sure he would realize he was sitting on me and move over. i was wrong. and he smelled horrible. so, i sighed in a really pissed off sounding way and stood for a while. when a seat opened up across from him i sat down and took his picture while glaring in his general direction. that'll show him!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

people i recently deleted from my phonebook

* guys from the loft

* Matt 69

* Word up

* Tommy from bb&b

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

embarassing admissions

I downloaded my first Hannah Montana song last week and now I can't get it out of my head. Please don't tell anyone.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Louis? I'm not sold on it yet. It's bad, but it's no Glen or Gene.

"I, Sarah, take thee, Louis."

"Laura, this is my boyfriend, Louie."

"Thanks for dinner, Lou. "

I think it's a keeper--let's add it to the list!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Oh, hi!

I've always wanted a place where I can unleash my artistic/creative abilities (ha ha), and Laura likes to complain a lot, so here's a place where we can both let it all out! Unfortunately, we are probably going to be the only people who are entertained by this, and we might end up regretting it much like we now regret video taping our entire vacation to the Oregon Coast when we were 15. Only time will tell!