Wednesday, June 17, 2009

things we've learned in asia (usually the hard way)

1. if you see a sign that says "cake," it probably also says, "fish"
2. long islands in asia taste like orange julius, yet they seem to have twice as much alcohol than american long islands
3. when you're old, you earn the right to bring a chair from your dining room table out into the woods and sit in it all day
4. god is love
5. obama is god
6. cheetos are gross
7. we're too fat to try clothes on
8. $1 fans are not sustainable enough for a night of clubbing
9. maps are not to scale
10. i can't remember the original lesson i learned that inspired this post

We're having a lot of fun! I think we might move here and become famous socialites with yellow hair and nose piercings. loveyoumeanit.

Sars & LP