There are few faces in the world that truly bring me the feeling of comfort. I'm sure that lots of you seattle area natives share that sense of comfort when you see the glowing face of none other than meteorologist steve pool. Komo 4 news' principal weather anchor has joined me in the comfort of my living room nearly every evening since as long as i can remember, and i just can't help but feel that he is a true friend. During his weather forecast steve has a certain melodic tone in his voice that makes you feel happy he's around. He doesn't seem to take himself too seriously, but always seems to get the job done.
Steve has been dedicated to komo and to meteorology for most of his life. Born on Nov 5th in 1955 steve knew his life should be devoted to the scientific study of the atmosphere. He attended the University of Washington while interning at komo and never looked back. News anchors Dan Lewis, Kathi Goetzen, and steve pool have the third longest-running tenure out of any news team in america, having worked together at komo since 1987. During his career, steve has won seven emmy awards, made more than 80 appearances as a guest weather talent of Good Morning America, and has appeared in the movies Vixen Highway and Life or something Like it. Additionally, he is the author of a book about weather and its forecasting titled "Somewhere, I Was Right."
Steve has had an impressive career as a meteorologist, but it's not his resume that impresses me. What i enjoy most about steve is his beautiful glowing skin and his light-hearted, mellifluous voice. I've heard Steve described as "like an angle," and "a silver fox... or black stallion." You can be the judge of that one. But really it really doesn't matter if steve tells me he predicts rain, or even if there is a massive hurricane on the way... just knowing he's there with me in my living room brings me more comfort than sunny weather ever could.
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